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Dr. Phil Stringer

Dr. Phil Stringer is a long-time friend of Dayspring Bible College & Seminary, having served on it’s Board of Directors for the last three years and has taught for Dayspring for the last nine years. He comes to us with a wide array of experience and accomplishments.  He has been in full-time ministry for 39 years and has served as a youth pastor, evangelist, college professor and administrator, and pastor. He is an active Bible conference speaker having spoken at over 400 churches, colleges, and schools in 46 states and 16 countries. He has taught courses at 21 colleges, was the former president of a Bible college in Florida, and served as Pastor at Ravenswood Baptist Church for the last ten years. He also has written 5 books, 16 booklets, 22 college course curriculums, 5 high school curriculums and 1 elementary school curriculum and he serves on several college and mission boards. He has a Masters degree in Christian education from Freedom University in 1980, Doctor of Philosophy degree in English Bible from Landmark Baptist College in 1997, Doctor of Religious Education degree from the American Bible College in 2004, Honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity by the Asia Baptist Bible College in 2002, and Honorary degree of Doctor of Literature by the American Bible College in 2002. In 2007, he was awarded the Heritage Baptist University Alumni educator of the year award.

Wood River Baptist