Wood River Baptist Church
2023 Living Nativity
Hello! Welcome to the 23rd annual Living Nativity at the Wood River Baptist Church. It is a great privilege for our church to have the opportunity to minister to you and your family during the Christmastime!
We believe the Bible and therefore we believe that tonight, the entire Christmas season, and everyday ought to be used to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ! We believe that we, the people of Wood River and you our guests are here for a divine reason, God’s reason.
As we experience the singing of Christmas Carols, the sights of the nativity, the smells of the animals, and the feel of a cold winter’s night, would you please go beyond the nostalgia of Christmas, and allow this time to be for you and your family, a time of worship to the Lord Jesus Christ, and ask yourself the question, “Why did Jesus come?”
Why Were They There?": Join us as we answer the question, Why were Each of the people of the Christmas story there?
The Angels
The Angels Proclaimed This Wonderful Truth, “Peace on Earth, Good will to man.” This means that the Lord Jesus Christ came to bring Peace between man and God; This is their great message and it is ours. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and You will be forever at peace with God! Refuse to believe and you can never have peace.
Mary: The Mother Of Jesus
The Lord Jesus Christ was born of Mary who was a virgin until after Jesus was Born. She conceived by the Holy Ghost and is a significant part of the Life of Christ even through His adult ministry. Mary teaches us that even a pure-hearted servant of God is still in need of a savior. Mary needed forgiveness because of her sins, just as we all do. And she knew that forgiveness could only come from The Lord Jesus Christ: Her son, Her Savior. She said, “My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior.” Luke 1:46-47
The Shepherds
The shepherds were going about their normal routine when they were given the most important of all messages. A multitude of heavenly hosts joined in and made known that the Son of God, which is Christ our Lord, was born in the flesh to be the Savior of the world!
The shepherds made haste to Bethlehem to see for themselves. Immediately, they obeyed the angels’ decree given by God the Father. For they could not keep silent as they told many of the good news they had seen with their own eyes! With much joy, they glorified and praised God! (Luke 2:8-20)
Jospeh: His Earthly Father
Joseph, being the earthly father of the Lord Jesus, had such an important role to fulfill. He passed the tests of trusting the Heavenly Father in all the miraculous happenings in his own life and in the life of his beloved Mary.
He was a just man and did not know his wife intimately until his Son was born (Matthew 1:18,1:25). He even had dreams in which the angel of the Lord told him what to do and Joseph immediately obeyed! He had the joy of naming his baby, Jesus (Savior, Rescuer). Joseph had the joy of raising Jesus alongside Mary and taught Him many things. We see a loving and caring earthly father in the character of Joseph as he led the way for his family in faithful obedience to God. God was very wise in giving us Joseph as an example of Fatherhood.
The Wise MEn
The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of Kings, He is the King of All People! These men who were from different Countries, Cultures, and had a different Skin Hue (We all Are Shades of Brown), came to Jesus to worship and were not denied. Turn From Your sinful way and Believe On Jesus Christ and you also will not be denied not matter who you are.
The Lord Jesus: The Savior
The Lord Jesus Christ Came to be our savior. He came to pay the penalty for our sin! “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21.
If you have not made Him your savior, do so tonight. Pray to him, he hears you from your heart. Tell Him that you know that he died to pay the price for your sin and that you know he rose from the dead because he is God. Ask him to forgive your sin and to be your savior. He will hear and He will save you if you believe with all of your heart.
If you have any questions, Prayer Requests, comments, or if you would like our free resources please don’t hesitate to:
Call: (401) 539-2642
Email: pastor@woodriverbc.org
or fill our this form
To Learn More About Christ Jesus Our Savior, Click Here
Finally, Please Join us For our services Sunday at 11AM and 6 PM. All are welcome to all of our services. Come and worship the Lord with us!