From C.H. Spurgeon's Morning Meditation

Only ye shall not go very far away."—Exodus 8:28.

THIS is a crafty word from the lip of the arch-tyrant Pharaoh. If the poor bondaged Israelites must needs go out of Egypt, then he bargains with them that it shall not be very far away; not too far for them to escape the terror of his arms, and the observation of his spies. After the same fashion, the world loves not the non-conformity of nonconformity, or the dissidence of dissent, it would have us be more charitable and not carry matters with too severe a hand. Death to the world, and burial with Christ, are experiences which carnal minds treat with ridicule, and hence the ordinance which sets them forth is almost universally neglected, and even contemned. Worldly wisdom recommends the path of compromise, and talks of "moderation." According to this carnal policy, purity is admitted to be very desirable, but we are warned against being too precise; truth is of course to be followed, but error is not to be severely denounced. "Yes," says the world, "be spiritually minded by all means, but do not deny yourself a little gay society, an occasional ball, and a Christmas visit to a theatre. What's the good of crying down a thing when it is so fashionable, and everybody does it?" Multitudes of professors yield to this cunning advice, to their own eternal ruin. If we would follow the Lord wholly, we must go right away into the wilderness of separation, and leave the Egypt of the carnal world behind us. We must leave its maxims, its pleasures, and its religion too, and go far away to the place where the Lord calls His sanctified ones. When the town is on fire, our house cannot be too far from the flames. When the plague is abroad, a man cannot be too far from its haunts. The further from a viper the better, and the further from worldly conformity the better. To all true believers let the trumpet-call be sounded, "Come ye out from among them, be ye separate."



Behold! May God bless us by letting us see intently His great love. His love calls us sons and daughters of His. We! We who were at enmity with Him. We whose sin reveals not love but disdain. We had no good affection for Him as our creator but worshipped the creature instead. What amazing love! Lord, help us to behold your love for us. Lord, how we have failed to be pure and holy. Help us today to purify ourselves that we may be prepared for that day when we see you!

Those That Wait Upon The Lord

Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord , the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.  He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:28-31

The Lord tells us in Galatians 6:9 to "be not weary." Yet the Lord also knows that our flesh grows weary and we are apt to quit doing His will. How can God command something that our flesh is incapable of? Does He want to drive us into the ground like a prisoner at a Siberian labor camp. Of course we know this is not within God's character. He does not grow weary like we do. He is the "Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, that fainteth not, neither is weary!" Oh how we must be reminded of this each day! Without this reminder we will either live at ease, never laboring in prayer, never seeking and doing God's will, never doing good to all men especially to those who are of the household of faith; or we will labor until we are ragged and quit with bitter and untrue thoughts about God. 

No person is limitless in strength and power. Young people at their peak will faint and get frustrated and utterly fall. This fall is brought on by pride, thinking that there is a capability of doing the work of God because of youth, strength, intelligence, or training. God's work cannot be done without God.

Wonderfully He giveth more strength! I think all of God's children have come to the end of our rope trying to please our Father in doing His will. I am glad He does not leave us to pick ourselves up and continue wearily lest we be whipped. Rather He says come to Me who never loses His power. He says, "wait upon me and I will renew your strength." This time though it will not be the limited strength of our flesh but the limitless strength of God.

It is important to remember that our waiting is not once for a lifetime of strength. We wait everyday for strength for today. This morning, wait on the Lord to give you His strength. You will be able to do all He would have you to do today. Wait I say on the Lord! 

The Lord's Creation Speaks

But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:  Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.  Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this?  In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

Job 12:7‭-‬10


Job, in responding to his friend, declares that the creation of the Lord speaks to us of His work in our lives. Of course the lower creatures do not speak with language but they most certainly declare the glory of the Lord. Job was experiencing more loss and heartache than any person ever has. I believe he looked to the creation of God and found some encouragement.  His creation proves He cares because of its beauty, order, and vastness. His creation can speak to you too. Look, smell, touch, and even taste it and then think about how it all works. You will be praising God for His work very soon.

I do not believe you need a doctorate in order to scientifically observe God's amazing creation. Last night at church we worked through these statements of Job and we were encouraged in the Lord. 

1) Ask now the beasts and it shall teach thee. We thought on the ants amazing ability to pick up and move objects many times their bodyweight. Also spiders which use several types of thread to design their web. And the giraffe that could not drink water without an ability to unconsciously have its huge heart stop as it bends its neck down. If it didn't the blood vessels in its brain would rupture due to incredible pressure. Of course I've never observed this but it is true! What observations have you made of God's amazing creatures. 

2) And the fowls of the air , and they shall tell thee. Have you considered the ingenuity of Canadian geese that fly in a V formation.  This allows them to fly incredible distances by sharing the drag of the air as they alternate the front position. The woodpecker which can use great force to pick into trees and yet doesn't suffer concussions. It also has a very long tongue that wraps around its skull. It uses this tongue to reach into trees to capture bugs. The hummingbird is remarkable, several folks have these birds come back every year to great delight. Have you ever been taught by birds?

3) Talk to the earth, and shall teach thee. In everything except God's creation if their is symmetry, design is assumed. Have you considered the symmetry of leaves, flowers, and so many other things. The symmetry of these things help define their beauty. The process of photosynthesis is amazing and all of the parts of the process have to work or there would be no plants. The very dirt we walk on is designed just right for life to exist. What things on the earth lead you to remember the greatness of God.

4) The fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. The nautilus is an amazing creation. It moves through the ocean by filling and emptying chambers in its shell. Jules Verne's, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, has a submarine called, The Nautilus, and submarines today work using this design. Breathing with gills is another life system that would not work without many parts working together perfectly. It is far from simple and no inventor has recreated it. What part of God's wonderful watery creation has spoken to you? 

The Lord's creation is truly remarkable! If you have had trials and difficulties in your life and have struggled to praise and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. Look and let His creation speak to you. It will change your life! 




The nautilus move by filling and emptying chambers in its shell. Modern submarines use this same design.

Follow In Our Father's Footsteps

Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour. Ephesians 5:1, 2

The Lord has made it possible for all who have received Him to follow in HIs footsteps.  This shows God's truly remarkable grace.  As some are overwhelmed at the prospect of following in the footsteps of a father who has accomplished much we should be overwhelmed by the prospect of following in the footsteps of our Heavenly Father who created all things and is holy beyond compare.  Yet He has made it possible and wants us to do so!

Notice the word followers in Ephesians 5:1 and the word walk in Ephesians 5:2. When we follow we go forward step by step with another person.  In order to walk we must take steps.  The Lord is telling us to follow in His footsteps. 

We know that this figure of speech is speaking of living our lives as one who has gone before has.  How do we live our lives as God does?  Notice: One, we are his children.  Truly the relationship that is most appropriate for following in another's footsteps is Father and Child.  The Bible tells us in John 1:12 that, "But as many received Him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name."  If you have received Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you are His child.  Two, we are His dear children.  In other places this word is translated, wellbeloved.  We are not despised children, illegitimate children, abandoned children, or beaten children. We are God's children, wellbeloved!  God's love for us is more than we can comprehend.  We often say to our children, "I love you more than you know."  This may be true but this is most certainly true of God's love for us.  Notice in Ephesians 5:2, Christ loved us an offered himself for us that we may be a sweetsmelling savour to Him.

With this as our foundation God says, "Walk in love."  In order to follow in His footsteps, we must love others as He loves us.  When we are mean-spirited or self-serving with our wives we are not following in our God's footsteps.  When we treat our children as servants rather than raising them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, we are not following in our God's footsteps.  When we look down upon and are unfriendly to  a fellow church member because they have been caught in sin we are not following in our God's footsteps.  The list of our steps and missteps as God's children in this world are infinite.  The truth that God would have us follow in His steps is overwhelming.  Certainly God will have to be merciful to us.  He has given numerous promises that He is merciful! (I John 1:9, Lamentations 3:22, 23, Luke 7:39-50, etc.)  By God's grace we can walk with Him today!   

Let Us Not Sleep

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Saturday, March 05, 2016

This Morning's Meditation

C. H. Spurgeon

"Let us not sleep, as do others."—1 Thessalonians 5:6.

THERE are many ways of promoting Christian wakefulness. Among the rest, let me strongly advise Christians to converse together concerning the ways of the Lord. Christian and Hopeful, as they journeyed towards the Celestial City, said to themselves, "To prevent drowsiness in this place, let us fall into good discourse." Christian enquired, "Brother, where shall we begin?" And Hopeful answered, "Where God began with us." Then Christian sang this song—

"When saints do sleepy grow, let them come hither,
And hear how these two pilgrims talk together;
Yea, let them learn of them, in any wise,
Thus to keep open their drowsy slumb'ring eyes.
Saints' fellowship, if it be managed well,
Keeps them awake, and that in spite of hell."

Christians who isolate themselves and walk alone, are very liable to grow drowsy. Hold Christian company, and you will be kept wakeful by it, and refreshed and encouraged to make quicker progress in the road to heaven. But as you thus take "sweet counsel" with others in the ways of God, take care that the theme of your converse is the Lord Jesus. Let the eye of faith be constantly looking unto Him; let your heart be full of Him; let your lips speak of His worth. Friend, live near to the cross, and thou wilt not sleep. Labour to impress thyself with a deep sense of the value of the place to which thou art going. If thou rememberest that thou art going to heaven, thou wilt not sleep on the road. If thou thinkest that hell is behind thee, and the devil pursuing thee, thou wilt not loiter. Would the manslayer sleep with the avenger of blood behind him, and the city of refuge before him? Christian, wilt thou sleep whilst the pearly gates are open—the songs of angels waiting for thee to join them—a crown of gold ready for thy brow? Ah! no; in holy fellowship continue to watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation.

Guarded by His Power

This devotional is by the late Adrian Rogers' "Love Worth Finding." Find this daily devotional and many more tools for worship on our website.                  

And when evening was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and He alone on the land. And He saw them toiling in rowing … and … He cometh unto them, walking upon the sea …” - Mark 6:47

Jesus’ disciples were way out in the sea, and Jesus was on the shore. But He saw them toiling and rowing. He never took His eyes off them.

Are you in the midst of a storm? Did you know He sees you right now? You say, “He doesn’t know where I am. He doesn’t know this difficulty. Why is He so far away? Why am I in the storm and He is on the shore?” Friend, He is there, and He’s praying for you. He’s up there on the mountain looking down. He sees right through the dark. You can’t see Him, but He sees you. You can say, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.”

My advice for you in the midst of your storm is to see Jesus, the great I AM, and see Him walking on the water. And that thing that looks like it’s going to be over your head is already under His feet. You’re seated in the heavenlies with Him. And you can’t drown with your head above water. He is the great I AM. You can put it down: you are guarded by His power.


Sufferings and Consolations

From Charles Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" devotional.  You can find this and many other tools to meet with the Lord each day on our website. 

Charles H. Spurgeon

"For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ."—2 Corinthians 1:5.

HERE is a blessed proportion. The Ruler of Providence bears a pair of scales—in this side He puts His people's trials, and in that He puts their consolations. When the scale of trial is nearly empty, you will always find the scale of consolation in nearly the same condition; and when the scale of trials is full, you will find the scale of consolation just as heavy. When the black clouds gather most, the light is the more brightly revealed to us. When the night lowers and the tempest is coming on, the Heavenly Captain is always closest to His crew. It is a blessed thing, that when we are most cast down, then it is that we are most lifted up by the consolations of the Spirit. One reason is, becausetrials make more room for consolation. Great hearts can only be made by great troubles. The spade of trouble digs the reservoir of comfort deeper, and makes more room for consolation. God comes into our heart—He finds it full—He begins to break our comforts and to make it empty; then there is more room for grace. The humbler a man lies, the more comfort he will always have, because he will be more fitted to receive it. Another reason why we are often most happy in our troubles, is this—then we have the closest dealings with God. When the barn is full, man can live without God: when the purse is bursting with gold, we try to do without so much prayer. But once take our gourds away, and we want our God; once cleanse the idols out of the house, then we are compelled to honour Jehovah. "Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord." There is no cry so good as that which comes from the bottom of the mountains; no prayer half so hearty as that which comes up from the depths of the soul, through deep trials and afflictions. Hence they bring us to God, and we are happier; for nearness to God is happiness. Come, troubled believer, fret not over your heavy troubles, for they are the heralds of weighty mercies.


The Rock That Is Higher Than I

Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer.  From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.  I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah. Psalms 61:1-4 

As we continue on the path that God leads his children we at times find ourselves overwhelmed by the difficulty and peril before us. We, like Pilgrim in Pilgrim's Progress, are tempted to turn back. This beautiful and needed Psalm is a reminder, not to turn back, but to go up to the "Rock that is higher than I." This Rock is the Lord Jesus Christ. No peril for us is perilous for our Lord. No difficulty is difficult for Him. No responsibility is impossible to accomplish for Him. Go to Him this day. Go quickly and He will show you that He is not overwhelmed and what comfort and peace we will have. We will be able to say with the hymnist, "whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul!"

True Doctrine and False Doctrine

Principles to Learn & Teach
I Timothy 1:3-11

1. True Doctrine Edifies

Charity: I Peter 4:8, 9; Colossians 3:12-15

A Good Conscience:  Romans 12:1, 2; I Thessalonians 5:20-21

Unfeigned Faith: 2 Timothy 1:5, Hebrews 11:6


2. False Doctrine Destroys

It Makes No Sense:  Romans 16:18

It Leads To Terrible Sorrow: I Thessalonians 4:13

It Leads To Terrible Sins:  Romans 5:20-6:2

It Dooms To Hell:  2 Peter 2:1


3. The Gospel Is The Foundation Of All True Doctrine


Striving Together In Prayer

"Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me;"  Romans 15:30

In this precious verse we learn many things about prayer that if we as God's people take hold of, will truly help us not only to pray but to continue to pray.  Many growing Christians will at the beginning of the year determine to pray more and more effectively.  May these words be a help.

1)  Our praying, or asking God to meet a particular desire, is good for the Lord Jesus Christ.  We see that praying is for the Lord's sake.  Because we care about the Lord Jesus Christ we will pray.  When we call on someone to do something for their "sake" it is assumed that there is a genuine care for that person.  If we genuinely care we will pray.

2) Paul sees fit to call upon a sincere love of the Spirit.  We ought to love the Spirit, because like the Lord Jesus who first loved us so did the Holy Spirit.  Without Him we would not be saved for he is the one who taught you the truth.  Without Him you could not truly understand the Word of God.  Without Him you would not know how to pray.  Without Him you would not know how to do the will of God.  Without Him our consciences would not be sensitive to sin.  We ought to love the Holy Spirit and if we are not praying then we are lacking in love for Him.

3) We ought to pray for ourselves!  Paul said "Strive together with me... for me." I have heard people proclaim never praying for themselves because they do not want to be selfish.  This is a misunderstanding about God.  If every person in the world prayed for themselves at the same time, God would hear and be able to answer each one without the slightest effort.  This is also a misunderstanding of ourselves.  We cannot walk this perilous road without God. We need His grace, mercy, and peace.  We need His wisdom and protection.  We need Him to comfort us and console us.  The sin of not praying for oneself is the sin of Laodicea in Revelation 3.  They said, "I have need of nothing."

4) We ought to pray for others.  Just as we need the Lord so do all others.  I believe Paul was admitting two things by this beseeching of believers.  First, our prayers for ourselves are not as effective as our prayers for ourselves with others.  It seems God is moved as more of His children cry unto Him. Second, I believe Paul understood that there are things he might not pray for himself that others would.  We can have blind spots in our own lives that others see and can pray for.

5) We ought to pray together.  This is of the upmost importance.  It is important to pray alone in our "closets," but we must pray together.  This prayer together will lead us to a care for the one being prayed for and the one we are praying with in truly supernatural ways.  If we do not make time to pray with others we are lacking in our prayer lives.

6) We must "strive" in prayer.  To strive is to reach forth with all our might without giving up.  Prayer is hard; physically, emotionally, and mentally.  Anything that is hard we are always in danger of quitting; exercise, cleaning, yard work, you name it.  If it is hard we are always in danger of quitting before we are finished.  We cannot quit praying.  The reward is to great and it will be forfeited if we do not continue in prayer.  This means we will pray when we don't want to.  We will because the end of our prayer is God's precious answer.  "We have not because we ask not!"

God bless you brethren!  I beseech you to pray for me!  May this year be our greatest year with the Lord!

God's Communication - Jonah 1:1

"Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai..." Jonah 1:1

When the Lord sent his word unto Jonah, he was attempting to communicate to Him both what He would like for Jonah to do as well as His heart or reasoning to go.  We should remember that the Lord is not seeking to simply communicate the do's and don'ts of the "good" Christian but to truly communicate His heart.  A truly Godly Christian will take hold of what God is seeking to communicate both in HIs commands and His reasoning or His heart in so commanding. 

In John 14:15, Jesus said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments."  By combining the terms love and keep He is reminding us that our relationship to Him is not simply, "Do what I tell you to do." But much deeper and heartfelt.  He desires us to take hold of Himself and what He is doing on the World and why He is doing it. 

God was not being cruel to Jonah in His command to go.  He was inviting him to come along side and be part of His work in the world, of which he "so loves." 

As you read the Bible, study its precious truths, and meditate on it, God is seeking to communicate with you!  Will you listen not just for the words but also for the heart of God.  If we receive just the words and their meaning and fail to catch onto God's heart, we, like Jonah will be greatly lacking.  Ask God to reveal His heart, His desires, and He will.  Reveal to God your heart as well; He knows already.

Also, it is vitally important that we learn to communicate this way with others of whom we have intimate relationships with:  Our spouses, children, friends, family, brethren.  If we fail to communicate our heart to others we will never have the deepness that God desire for our earthly relationships.  The deepness others have in our heart's desires will most certainly vary depending on what type of relationship we have (we will not reveal to a coworker what we would reveal to our spouse) but our heart must be given. 

May God help us to take hold of all He is seeking to communicate to us!

American, Islamic, and Biblical Culture

Unbelievers have begun to accuse Christians of bigotry once again. This time because of the attacks in Paris by Islamic Terrorists and the sobering truth spoken from pulpits that Islam is an ungodly and therefore devilish religion. This is the truth. Islam from it's beginnings has sought to overwhelm the world through violence. It is mandated by it's scripture to kill all infidels that do  not convert or pay the steep price for freedom. The question becomes what do we do?

I believe the answer is found in the Word of God, the Bible, for all answers are found here. In Ephesians 6 God tells us that our wrestling is not against flesh and blood but against principalities. This word principalities has to do with deeply held beliefs that have permeated a society of people forming their culture.  There is no society that has not been tainted by the sin of man and the craftiness of the devil. Islam has been shaped starting with Mohammed and then men who ascribe to his teachings. Another example is our current American culture. We speak of American exceptionalism and in doing so we lift up our society above every other.  Our America, nearly devoid of it's Christian roots is certainly tainted and any honest assessment of our society would not declare exceptional.   Our society is currently being shaped by Secularists who insist that right and wrong is dictated by the current majority trends.  It is not America that is exceptional but Jesus Christ.  Where Jesus Christ is worshipped and lifted up that society will be exceptional. No culture is exceptional except that culture that is shaped by the Word which is the Lord Jesus Christ.  I believe the culture of America is no longer exceptional but the culture of our homes and our churches can be!

In most Muslim societies the Lord Jesus Christ is removed from the conversation.  He cannot be worshipped without terrible consequences upon discovery.  This has led to societies that have great oppression and are often very violent.  

In today's permeable world Muslims have migrated throughout the world bringing with them a disdain for Jesus Christ and a warped love of a false God.  It has led to violence and a suppression of freedom in every place they are.

What then do we as Christians do?  Should we seek to blow up every Muslim society on earth? Do we restrict their freedom to live peaceably in our own country as has been proposed by some?  The answer of course to these questions is no.  Our government should highly restrict those who ascribe to this religion from entering into our country.  But what if our country does not do this.  And even if our country does do this what must we do.

First, we must understand that God knows all things!  He is not surprised at what is going on, he proves this by having already told us of these things in the Bible.  He has declared that he will judge every nation in which He is despised.  He has done this throughout the history of the World.  We must also understand that He is able to protect those homes that do not deny His name.  We do not have to succumb to a lackluster love for Christ because of the great iniquity of our culture.

Second, we must get a hold of the culture of our homes.  If we do not have Bible-believing homes we are rejecting the exceptionalism of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We must have home were the people in them love the Lord, for without this we are opening our homes to the wiles of the Devil.  Is the culture of your home led by the Lord through His Word and prayer?  Are you letting our society dictate the culture of your home or the Lord?

Third, we must lovingly give the gospel, for the "gospel is the power of God unto salvation."  We must by faith believe that the gospel can and will transform the lives of all who believe.  This includes the most determined Jihadist or the most militant Atheist for that matter.  I know that the entire culture of the home can be transformed by Jesus.  We see this very plainly in II Corinthians 6:9-11. 

"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."

May God's Word be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path during this dark generation.

Wood River Baptist